He watches us always

Patience isn't one of my virtues.
I recall my boss telling me most emphatically that he is not a patient man. I also recall nodding solemnly and concurring with him in an equally most emphatic manner that I myself am not the most patient of all men.
Ana tells me that married life brings patience to most men. She says her older brother who she holds in high esteem used to be quite quarrelsome when confronted by vicious drivers who prowl the streets of Manila (and believe me, those of you who have not driven these mean streets: the drivers one encounters here are the scum of the earth). Well, one kid later and a few years down the line have made him more patient and a lot less quarrelsome.
I guess she is correct as I don't get into that many run ins as I used to in the old days. Yet sometimes, something just happens which tests your sanity....
The automatic teller machines were jammed today and being spoiled rotten here in the office by having people doing my bank withdrawals/deposts etc, I joined the rest of humanity by lining up at the bank today to withdraw a measly sum to add to the cash I'd be bringing to pick up a videocam sometime later this week. Lining up was not so bad even if it took the better part of an hour but what really turns out to frazzle someone is FINALLY, upon reaching the counter, the teller informs me that I can't withdraw money without making out a check first.
Something tells me this is bound to be the most idiotic thing I'd be hearing this week? Since when did anyone have to make out a check in order to withdraw his own money? Of course, the teller is real apologetic-like and decent and tells me I can get myself a check right there in the bank. Just go to the desk nearby and pay for one. He did not say that the nearby desk had another long, long line of doomed souls waiting for redemption.
I felt it was time to go. After all, there is a limit to bullshit anyone is willing to put up with.
Suffice to say I wasn't feeling very nice or very friendly when I got back to my office room. To calm down, I started transferring the newest pictures of Joshua to my PC.
And that's when I came across the picture you see at the head of this rant (my thanks if you've had the patience to follow me so far and read this far)! Looking at Joshua's smile and the utter guilelessness of his expression, it just hit me: could it be that God looks down on us and sees everyone of us the same way I do when I'm looking at Joshua?
Now isn't that something? If an utterly impatient person like yours truly can feel a great beaming pride and great warmth when beholding his pride and joy what more can God feel when he's looking down at us?
I guess its a great comfort knowing someone up there is watching us with a great and tender sense of love and affection at least the same way we feel towards those we care most about in life.
Mister Baby is mighty cute. No wonder you were in the market for a videocam.
I've been looking for a 2ndhand laptop for a month. And yes, I was ALSO in the bank today. Thanks to BPI's Preferred Client express lane I was ahead of a lot of other poor souls... and thankfully the manager was my dad's friend and she personally attended to my needs... and gave me a free memo block pa!
Now I am poorer in cash but richer in backup laptop computer parts (saving lots on shipping!).
Thanks mona! I'm thinking of getting that next. Just so many expenses now....
Well said my friend. My sentiments exactly. :-)
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