Fathers' Day 2006
Last Sunday was Fathers' Day. It was good to have spent that day as a real father for the first time. Mylo treated the family out for lunch at the Makati Sports Club.

This is a picture of Joshua together with mommy, his Ninang Rica and Mylo. Joshua is now getting the hang of going out to public places.

This was taken outside the ballroom where lunch was served. We were looking at the pool and decide to go for swims on weekends as our weekly exercise for mom and dad.

Joshua is seen here with his Tito Roel. They get along fabulously. Also in the picture is his Ate Tricia.

This is Joshua with his cousin Isha (who is about 2+ years old). Both kids had a fun time playing around.

This is a shot with Luigi (who is soon to be Kuya Luigi on account of his mom being on the family way), Ninang Rica, Tricia and Isha.

This is a picture of Joshua together with mommy, his Ninang Rica and Mylo. Joshua is now getting the hang of going out to public places.

This was taken outside the ballroom where lunch was served. We were looking at the pool and decide to go for swims on weekends as our weekly exercise for mom and dad.

Joshua is seen here with his Tito Roel. They get along fabulously. Also in the picture is his Ate Tricia.

This is Joshua with his cousin Isha (who is about 2+ years old). Both kids had a fun time playing around.

This is a shot with Luigi (who is soon to be Kuya Luigi on account of his mom being on the family way), Ninang Rica, Tricia and Isha.
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