Thursday, April 20, 2006

In Between Days

Yesterday I got so old
I felt like I could die
Yesterday I got so old
It made me want to cry
Go on go on
Just walk away
Your choice is made
Go on go on
And disappear
Go on go on
Away from here

Everything so far is under control. There are no deadly deadlines yet. All I'm really stuck with is a comment in court. Even that seems trivial, considering this nagging feeling that the client isn't going to pay us what he promised to pay us in the beginning. Well, what do you expect from a self-styled "taipan" whose problems start and end with his immense attitude problem? How do you explain matters to a client who does not know the meaning of the word "no"? How do you work with a client who expects the world to revolve around him, to move in tune with his wants and desires (and those alone, thank you!), who's gotten so used to getting everything he wants from courts, government offices and officials because he's always ready to bribe whoever has to be bought? No, I don't think we're going to be paid properly by our nice slant eyed friend here.... no sir.

Oh and in case you think this is a racist slur, it is not. I have slant eyes too.

This is the stage in my RPGs where the heroes are in-between adventures. This is the time when they're licking wounds, spending their hard earned gold pieces in whatever place they go to blow off steam, when they are cashing in their experience points for new levels. I have this feeling I'm in between episodes: when something big and exciting is bound to happen anytime soon. I just hope big and exciting is not synonymous to lethal and dangerous this time around.....

Been having an abnormal sore in my mouth these past days. Started out last week when I accidentally bit my lip and the wound just swelled.... I'd been using this antifungal creme called Daktarin but the sore just keeps hurting and staying put. I guess I'll just give it time. Everytime I pull out that tube of Miconazole I see the happy baby logo bearing the words 'Your first choice against oral thrush.' Crap, I can do without this so called oral thrush for a lifetime. The only thing that can get more irritating is a swelling hemorrhoid. Now that is big time irritation....

I had my insurance policies certifications corrected too. Would you believe they mixed me up with a guy called robert navarro? heck, I'm a roberto, not a robert. I guess my broker really employs a bunch of retards in her office. I always have a problem communicating with the retards who answer her office line. I guess they don't speak the Common Tongue. Have to make that Will Roll on a 3d6 or the Bad Temper Disadvantage kicks in again...I remember a time I rolled a triple 6. It was bad.

I'm just about ready to run my players through Byzantium Secundus in Gurps: Fading Suns this sunday. So far, only Ben-g and Dick have pre-cleared their characters, but man! What characters! I am really proud of these players of mine. I can make a movie out of their submissions any day. I hear Henry's not far behind and his wife Trisha is also fielding a character for sunday (a pair of Guildspeople at that). Ditto for Nikos. I don't know if the silence from Russ and Vannie is ominous. I wonder if other RPG referees have the same problems I have?

Its the first time I really brought the social status and job tables from gurps to play and I like them already. I have a feeling this is going to be real good. The Known Worlds of Fading Suns is eerily like the Philippines in the 21st century, minus the spaceships, the ultratech, the aliens and of course, the fading of the sun.

Mylo is coming over to the house on Sunday to be with Joshua so I've got Sunday afternoon for my RPG session. This should be good.


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